Overview Features Copyright Files (6)

You may read the entire License Agreement here:
The essence of the license agreement between Musicwide as the licensor and the customer as the licensee may be summarized in the following two points:
  1. one synchronization license per one multimedia work for perpetual worldwide royalty-free use, priced in accordance with the beneficiary of the license, and paid for once;
  2. all intellectual property rights over and in respect of this music record are owned by the licensor. The licensee does not acquire any ownership rights to this music record.
The beneficiary of the license is the owner of the multimedia work with which the licensed music record is synchronized. It may be you, the customer, or a third party on whose behalf you are acting as a licensee. The license type should correspond to the beneficiary of the license, who can be a single person, a micro organization (1–9 employees), a small organization (10–49 employees), a medium organization (50–249 employees), or a large organization (≥ 250 employees).

As a customer, you simply choose the music record, press the “Purchase” button, select the price tier based on the type of beneficiary of the license, complete the purchase, download the audio file, and synchronize it with one multimedia work, including its multiple editions. If later you want to synchronize the same music record with a different multimedia work, just purchase a second license.

Record information

Garsų menė
Release date
Last update

Pricing information

Single person
Micro organization
Small organization
Medium organization
Large organization
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