

Licensing music records at Musicwide is simple and intuitive. All you have to do is:
  1. Find the record,
  2. Purchase the record license, and
  3. Download the record.

Finding records on the Store page​

Use the search filters in conjunction with the audio demo player to locate and bookmark the records.

A search filter helps you to focus on a limited range of records defined by some term (e.g., genre, emotion, tempo, instrument, etc.). There are a number of different types of filters available; some of them may be used in combination.

On the Store page, starting at the top, use the Search menu to perform a generic search:
Search menu
Use the Genres list to filter records by genres and subgenres:
Use the record prefixes:
Record prefixes
to filter records according to their version:

Prefix nameDefinition
MultiAll the versions of the record
FullThe master version of the record
LongDuration is within the range of ≥ 2:00 min.
ExtendedDuration is within the range of 1:00–1:59 min.
MediumDuration is within the range of 0:30–0:59 min.
ShortDuration is within the range of 0:01–0:30 min.

Use the record field filters:
Record fields
to specify the version, emotion, tempo, instrument, or theme of the record:

Versionmulti, full, long, extended, medium, short
Emotionpositive, neutral, negative
Temposlow ≤ 75 bpm, moderate 76–120 bpm, fast ≥ 121 bpm
Instrumentaccordion; bass; bell; brass; effects; ethnic; guitar, plucked; keyboard; organ; percussion; piano; synth chord; synth lead; synth pad; strings; vocal; woodwinds
Themechildren, Christmas, comedy, corporate, entertainment, fashion, film, funeral, Halloween, military, nature, news, religion, romance, sensuality, sports, suspense, technology, tragedy, training, travel

Finding records on the Search records page​

Navigate to the Search records page by following the link on the Store page:
Search records link
or by selecting the Search menu > Advanced search… (button) > Search records (tab):
Choose from a number of parameters to define your search, including keywords, release date, prefixes, and genres.

Finding records on the Search tags page​

Searching records by tags is the most advanced type of search. Musicwide employs nearly 1,700 tags to describe the diverse characteristics of its records. For instance, you can search for an exact tempo, say 135 bpm, or look for those records that can be played back seamlessly in loop.

Navigate to the Search tags page by selecting the Search menu > Advanced search… (button) > Search tags (tab):
Search tags
Enter one or more tags by separating them with the comma and press Search; or click on a tag link in the Tag cloud instead:
Tag cloud
Each record has a set of tags attributed to it. These tags are displayed on the record’s page as links, just like in the Tag cloud. Click on a tag to filter the whole catalog of music by that particular tag:
Record tags

The audio demo player and MP3 demo downloads​

Pre-audition the results of your search by clicking or tapping on the icon of the audio demo player:
Audio demo player icons
The player is available on the Store, Record overview, Record search results, and Tag search results pages. The operation of the player is simple:
Mouse first left clickStarts playback
Mouse second left click on the same recordPauses playback
Mouse left double click on the same record during playbackContinues playback from the start
Mouse left click on another record during playbackPauses this playback and starts another playback
Press the Esc keyResets all the instances of the player without reloading the webpage

Pre-audition records on your local device by downloading the MP3 demo files:
Overview > Download demo
Files > Download demo

Bookmarking the search results​

While searching, do not get distracted by details. If you find something interesting, bookmark it and keep on searching.

Bookmark a record by clicking on the bookmark icon on the record’s page:
Record page > Bookmark
Consider adding a message and some labels to the bookmark to help you remember your first impressions:
Bookmark pop-up
View the saved bookmarks in your Account menu:
Account menu > Bookmarks
or by opening the Bookmarks page in your Account > Bookmarks:
Bookmarks page

Understanding the licensing of records​

When you purchase a license for a record, you get both the license and the record. The license grants you legal permission to synchronize the record with one multimedia work.

You may read the entire License Agreement here:
The essence of the license agreement between Musicwide as the licensor and you as the licensee may be summarized in the following two points:
  1. one synchronization license per one multimedia work for perpetual worldwide royalty-free use, priced in accordance with the beneficiary of the license, and paid for once;
  2. all intellectual property rights over and in respect of this music record are owned by the licensor. The licensee does not acquire any ownership rights to this music record.
The beneficiary of the license is the owner of the multimedia work with which the licensed music record is synchronized. It may be you, the customer, or a third party on whose behalf you are acting as a licensee. The license type should correspond to the beneficiary of the license, who can be a single person, a micro organization (1–9 employees), a small organization (10–49 employees), a medium organization (50–249 employees), or a large organization (≥ 250 employees).

Purchasing records​

Purchase a record by pressing the Purchase button:
Purchase button
selecting the appropriate license, and adding it to the shopping cart:
Purchase record
The Cart icon on the navigation bar indicates the record has been placed in the shopping cart and is ready for checkout:
Cart icon
Open the Cart menu by clicking on its icon to see the contents of the shopping cart. Proceed to checkout by clicking on the Checkout link in the footer of the menu:
Cart menu
Add the billing address to be printed on the invoice you will receive after the purchase and press the Save button:
Billing address
to open the Checkout page. Review the contents of the shopping cart. Make appropriate changes if necessary. Confirm that you accept the Licensing Agreement and the Refund Policy by marking the respective checkboxes. Press the Proceed to payment button:
Checkout page
Enter your payment card details and press the Pay button:
Pay overlay
Payments are securely processed by Stripe. We do not process or store your payment information.

After the payment, you are taken to the Your licenses page. You may need to wait a few seconds and refresh the page to see your newly acquired license(s) deposited to your account, as payment processing takes a short time to complete.

To confirm the successful payment, you receive two e-mail notifications: one from Stripe and one from Musicwide with the invoice.

Downloading records​

The purchased license grants you access to the following audio files of the record:
FormatExtensionSample rateBit depthChannels
AAC.m4a44.1 kHz16 bit2 stereo
AIFF.aif44.1 kHz16 bit2 stereo
FLAC.flac44.1 kHz16 bit2 stereo
MP3.mp344.1 kHz16 bit2 stereo
Vorbis.ogg44.1 kHz16 bit2 stereo
WAV.wav44.1 kHz16 bit2 stereo

which you can download at any time without expiration by pressing the Download button on the Your licenses page or the Licences tab on the record’s page:
Download button
selecting the audio file format from the dropdown list, and pressing the Download button:
Downloads overlay.png
A ZIP file is transferred to your local device that contains two folders:

Folder nameContents
DataThe audio file(s) in your chosen format
MetadataThe URL links to the record’s webpages at
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